One minute warm up poses
One minute warm up poses
This one is two poses morphed together, drawn with the medium on its side and then with short sharp lines.
Looking at shapes, negative space, blocking in and continuous blind contour.
This one was a series of poses drawn over the top of each other. There is certainly a feeling of animation and movement.
This drawing of the figure was based on academic mimesis.
This drawing was first based on academic mimesis and then we were given instructions to make the drawing dysgraphic, by doing blind continuous line and long vertical lines.
This pose was drawn mimetically and then the last minute was done blind.
This pose was drawn mimetically and then the last minute was done blind.
Interesting shape when tearing out the model's features.
Interesting shape when tearing out the model's features.
This was focusing on fragmenting the model's form by using previous drawings and tearing them up in order to document the new existing pose.
This drawing was focusing on deskilling. Not sure how successful it is.
This drawing was focusing on distorting by using blind continuous line and drawing with non dominant hand.
This drawing was focusing on distorting by morphing two individual poses together.
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