Explored techniques of distortion, disruption, dysgraphia and deskilling by using continuous line, drawing blind, flipping the paper from landscape to portrait and drawing with an eraser.
I found this process highly invigorating and refreshing and that that the more mistakes that were made, the better and more successful the drawing were.
I found a sentence in Maragret Mayhew's excerpt which changed my perspective on life drawing, which goes "it is arguable that the history of life drawing classes have been explicitly concerned with training students to draw what they knew, not what they saw". This rung true for me because all too often I get carried away and caught up with making a drawing look good that I end up forgetting to actually see the model.
Tracy Emin's aesthetic style is very fluid and linear, something I can identify in my drawings.
I made a stop motion animation which string and bits of masking tape.
Looked at William Kentridge for inspiration who creates beautiful narratives in stop motion animation using charcoal and erasure.
Overall, these two projects have challenged my idea of life drawing.